Free vs. Paid Plans is awesome. It lets you create quick and easy sites with out having to figure out a third party hosting solution. For beginners this is a great choice. If you want something more advanced then check out these self hosting plans. For those of us using to host our site here are a [...]

2018-02-12T10:29:00-06:00February 7th, 2018|Setup, Wordpress|0 Comments

Choosing a Self Hosting Plan

So you have decided to host your own Wordpress site. That's great! There are many advantages to hosting your own site rather than hosting it on Now you are ready to take the next step and pick a hosting provider, where to start? There are lots and lots of plans out there for [...]

2018-02-09T16:12:17-06:00January 30th, 2018|Hosting, Setup, Wordpress|0 Comments

WordPress for Teacher Portfolios

Gone are the days of presenting your lesson plan examples, coursework, and teaching philosophy in a binder. Let me show you how to setup a Wordpress site to keep all this information online, where you can share it anytime with just a link to your site. Here I am going to show you how to [...]

2018-03-06T16:30:17-06:00January 19th, 2018|Portfolio, Resume, Setup, Wordpress|0 Comments
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